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Showing posts from 2018

What is the fear of God? What does it mean to have the fear of God?

The fear of God is a concept you may have heard, perhaps even in situations outside of church. The fear of God is a different concept to believers than it is to those outside of the faith ( John 3:16-18 ). For unbelievers, it is a fear of God's wrath and judgment. Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God ( Romans 3:23 ), they stand condemned by Him.  Hebrews 10:31  says, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." As believers, however, our sins are forgiven by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" ( Romans 8:1 ). We can boldly approach the throne of grace. Speaking of Christ,  Ephesians 3:12  says, "in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him." We fear God in the sense of great reverence and an understanding of God's wrath toward sin ( Romans 1:18 ). Hebrews 12:28-29  is a good text to look at reg...

Is cleanliness next to godliness?

This is one of those sayings that is ingrained in culture and history, but it does not actually appear in the Bible. It is an ancient proverb found in Babylonian and Hebrew religious tracts and didn't debut in the English language until the 1600s. John Wesley in 1791 wrote in one of his sermons, "Slovenliness is no part of religion. Cleanliness is indeed next to Godliness." And through the years, the concept made its way into modern culture. So does that mean that we never need to step into a shower again? Well, no... Let's break this down and look at cleanliness in two ways. Physical Cleanness Does having a spotless bedroom, perfectly groomed dog, and just having gotten out of the shower mean you are more godly? No! In fact, the New Testament is incredibly clear that outward cleaning does not affect the heart. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are...

Are all my past, present, and future sins forgiven? How can future sins be forgiven already?

Forgiveness of all our sins is one of the beautiful mysteries of the Christian faith. Firstly, how can God possibly forgive such rebellious and flawed people? And secondly, how can Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross be sufficient to cover past, present,  and  future sins? Our answer lies both in Scripture and in exercising a bit of logic.                                                                                                                     Let's look at one of the most beloved passages about our salvation,   1 Peter 1:3-12 . Go ahead and click that link to read it now. It's not long, but it's too long to quote here.   😉 Our inheritance as God’s children is a g...

Home in Worship with France Moncoquet | Worship Medley

Home in Worship session with France Moncoquet from Reunion island actually living in Lyon, France. We were so blessed to have her in our midst worshiping along with her anointed and powerful voice. May God bless you through this worship medley.   Vases d'argile (Broken Vessels) Hillsong  Je te donne mon coeur (Luc Dumont)  Way maker (Sinach)  Le nom de Jesus (Sinach)


Uzielle Bhookhun's first single is dedicated to God for His faithfulness and as a testimony for what He has done and still doing in her life. ALL GLORY TO GOD.

Dieu et la Musique

On peut affirmer sans exagĂ©ration que la ligne qui sĂ©pare la musique du monde de ce que l'on dĂ©crit comme la “musique chrĂ©tienne contemporaine” est extrĂȘmement fine. C'est triste Ă  dire, mais une grande partie de ce que l'on entend aujourd'hui n'est souvent que de la musique du monde avec des paroles chrĂ©tiennes. Lorsque nous considĂ©rons ce qu'est la musique “chrĂ©tienne” et l'adoration aujourd'hui, il est clair que l'esprit du monde a envahi l'Ă©glise. La louange adopte souvent le mĂȘme style de musique que celle du monde, et cela emmĂšne une confusion chez les chrĂ©tiens, surtout chez les jeunes. Qu'est-ce que la vĂ©ritable adoration a Ă  voir avec la musique du monde ? Pourquoi vouloir associer les deux en louant Dieu sur un rythme du monde ? Cela ne devrait pas se faire ! En tant que chrĂ©tiens nĂ©s de nouveau, nous devrions dĂ©sirer louer et adorer Dieu avec notre coeur, en esprit et en vĂ©ritĂ©. Tout le reste n'est qu'un d...

Why Are Christians Against Premarital Sex?

  Why are Christians against premarital sex? If a couple is going to get married anyway, why can't they have sex before their wedding day? Why are Christians against premarital sex? If a couple is going to get married anyway, why can't they have sex before their wedding day? This is a hard question for a lot of us today. With all the sex-based ads and sex promotions telling us that that sex is the best way to show our significant others love, we miss out on what God created sex to be: a way of bonding a husband and wife in marital love (Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7) . (Not to mention that it's also a method of procreation, awkward as that sounds.) Sex, no matter who it is with, is a special relationship between two people, making them "one body." The apostle Paul talks about how even a man who has sex with a prostitute has become "one body" (1 Corinthians 6:15-16) . There is a level of vulnerability in any sexual relationship, and you should...