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Showing posts from September, 2020

Ninport ki travay zot pe fer, fer li debonker

Kol 3:23Ninport ki travay zot pe fer, fer li debonker, kouma dir pou Lesegner e non pou bann imin. 24Parski zot kone ki leritaz zot pou resevwar an rekonpans ar Lesegner. Se Lekris ki Lemet, e zot pe servi li. 25Si zot fer ditor, li pou ena so konsekans, e pa pou ena preferans pou person.

Me gard kouraz, mo finn sorti vinker lor lemonn

  ZN 16:32 Gete, ler pe vini, ler inn fini vini, kot zot pou disperse e kot sakenn pou retourn kot li. Zot pou les mwa tousel, me mo pa tousel parski mo Papa touzour avek mwa. 33Mo finn dir zot tousala pou zot gagn lape an mwa. Lemonn pou fer zot soufer; me gard kouraz, mo finn sorti vinker lor lemonn.”

Lafwa, Lesperans ek Lamour.

1 KO 13:  4 Lamour bien pasian, lamour li bon. Li pa zalou, li pa arogan, li pa fer fier.  5 Li pa mank manier, li pa egois, li pa les li irite, ou gard rankinn.  6 Lamour pa trouv plezir dan lemal me li gagn lazwa dan laverite.  7 Lamour toultan pe proteze, toultan pe fer konfians, toultan ena lesperans, toultan persevere.  8  Lamour li eternel.

What does the Bible say about racism, prejudice, and discrimination?

  The first thing we need to agree upon when talking talking about this topic is that there is really only one race—the human race. For example, Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Jews are not different races; they are different  ethnicities  within the one human race. Other than minor variations, all human beings have the same basic physical traits, and every person is made in the image and likeness of God Himself ( Genesis 1:26-27 ). How cool is that? We get to have similar characteristics as God, such as creativity and having a spirit. And He loved the world so much that He sent Jesus to lay down His life for us. When  John 3:16  refers to the "world," it is talking about the entire human race—all ethnic groups, religions, subcultures, and social cliques included. Racism is nothing new. Sadly, racism has been a plague on humanity for thousands of years. In the first half of the Bible, the Old Testament, God divided humanity into two groups: Jew...