In a world where various forms of self-expression are increasingly embraced, it’s essential for Christians to understand how these align or conflict with God’s Word. One such form of expression is the culture of drag queens, where men dress as women, often in exaggerated ways, to entertain or make statements. As believers, we need to consider what the Bible says about this, especially concerning the impact on children, and how we can respond with love while upholding God's standards of purity. God’s Creation of Gender and Identity The Bible clearly presents the idea that God created humanity with specific, intentional gender identities. In Genesis 1:27 , we read, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." This verse underscores that God created male and female with distinct roles and purposes. Any attempt to blur or alter these distinctions can be seen as a challenge to God’s divine order. Drag cultur...