Youtube : Facebook : Dear friends, In His perfect season, God revealed my wife and I to search Him, to worship Him, to be deeply in love with Him and to serve Him in our HOME. That's why : " HOME IN WORSHIP " "As for me and my house,we will serve the Lord" Humbly in obedience we invite someone that God put in our heart. It's not about promoting an artist or doing a cover, it's all about FELLOWSHIP and WORSHIPING our ALMIGHTY GOD together. We give freely because we have received freely. We share freely all the sessions of Home in Worship so that you can be blessed and worship with us. Our trust is in Jesus and we are convinced that signs, miracles and wonders are taking place in the midst of His presence whilst you watch the video clips. God Bless You May His Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. EMMANUEL SIDIEN