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Showing posts from September, 2018

Home In Worship

Youtube : Facebook : Dear friends,  In His perfect season, God revealed my wife and I to search Him, to worship Him, to be deeply in love with Him and to serve Him in our HOME. That's why : " HOME IN WORSHIP " "As for me and my house,we will serve the Lord" Humbly in obedience we invite someone that God put in our heart. It's not about promoting an artist or doing a cover, it's all about FELLOWSHIP and WORSHIPING our ALMIGHTY GOD together. We give freely because we have received freely. We share freely all the sessions of Home in Worship so that you can be blessed and worship with us. Our trust is in Jesus and we are convinced that signs, miracles and wonders are taking place in the midst of His presence whilst you watch the video clips. God Bless You May His Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. EMMANUEL SIDIEN

What does the Bible say about jealousy? Is jealousy or envy a sin?

Wanting what someone else possesses has been a part of human nature since forever. Remember when Adam and Eve's son killed his brother in a jealous rage ( Genesis 4:3-8 )? Later, God told Moses to write down for the Israelites, "Hey, stop envying other people's stuff!" ( Exodus 20:17 ; paraphrased). In the New Testament, Jesus clarified, "Stop envying other people's stuff because there's more to life than STUFF" ( Luke 12:15 ; paraphrased). Clearly, jealousy is a problem for human beings... Is jealousy a sin? Feeling jealous is never a pleasant feeling. Feeling envious of another person saps the joy we could experience from our own lives. Dwelling upon jealousy or envy will lead to more unpleasant emotions—like anger, frustration, and discontentment ( Proverbs 14:30 ). Allowing jealous or envious thoughts to take over the mind is a sin because it puts all importance and focus on SELF, disregarding others' needs and interests. "Do ...

L’Eglise doit savoir / The Church Needs to Know

L’Eglise doit savoir Reconnaissons que l’Eglise a plus ou moins dévié de la saine doctrine, ce qui a considérablement affecté la vie des chrétiens. J’ai ressenti que c’était le moment d’aborder d’une manière très claire quelques-uns des problèmes actuels, afin que les chrétiens se rendent compte que Dieu a de meilleures choses en réserve pour eux. Telechager le livre gratuitement sur: D'autre livres aussi sur le site : The Church Needs to Know Let us all acknowledge that the Church has deviated somewhat from sound doctrine, with the resultant effect on the lives of God’s people. It is time to address some key issues directly in order for Christians to realise that the Lord has better things in store for them! Download the book free on: Other books also on : oks/

Child-Like Humility Produces Peace

One of the shortest psalms of the Bible gives us a beautiful picture of the kind of peace and quiet that God wants us to experience: O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, hope in the LORD from this time forth and forevermore. ( Psalm 131:1–3 ) It is the peace and quiet of a weaned child. What is that? Great Humility Looks Like a Small Child When David said his heart was not lifted up and his eyes were not raised, his original Hebrew readers would have clearly understood what he meant. His son, Solomon, later used similar imagery when he wrote, “Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, are sin” ( Proverbs 21:4 ). David was talking about pride. We tend to think of David as a humble man, which is a right tendency because he often was...

Can Christians be Demon Possessed?

The spiritual world exists and is more powerful than what we may think. That’s why when God touches our lives, we can be transformed in an instant. In the same manner, there are people whose lives are influenced by demons and evil spirits. In the Gospels, Jesus Himself cast demons out of people and set them free. Demon-possession is real and cannot be denied. However in Matthew 12, where Jesus speaks about deliverance, he was speaking before the Cross and was referring to a wicked generation, not to the Church. So, my point is this: do born-again Christians, who have repented of past sins, and truly surrendered their lives to Jesus, still need deliverance from demons? BORN-AGAIN OR NOT? I cannot find a single case of born-again believers being set free from demons in the early Church of the Bible. Either you are born-again, or you aren’t; there is nothing in between! Before we came to know Jesus, we were under Satan’s control. We didn’t know God; and we were all ...

La Haut Labas (Cover) - SOGA

Our strength is Unity, Our remedy is the Love of God Our recognition are our Praises, The Suffering of being broken heart makes us understand what our neighbor who suffers like us are feeling. The trials we went through made us fall into different stages of life, but God brought us back with His Love and Grace . We have joined together to express our gratitude to God! #SOGA

How can a Christian satisfy sexual needs and desires before marriage

Sex is something that is everywhere in society today. Unfortunately, our world tells us that to be socially relevant or to really prove we love someone, we need to be having sex. The truth is, though, that sex or sexual preferences do not define who we are as people. There's so much more to us than that. Sometimes, sexual needs and desires are a symptom of something else. Our innate need as humans is to be loved, to be wanted, and because of certain external things, those deep-rooted needs created in us by God can be turned into hurtful and painful things. People don't always choose sex to fulfill that desire for love and attention, but it's so easy to think that it is sex that will somehow make everything better. God is love, and in our very human, imperfect state, He has made us to need Him. When we are told that love is equal to sex, then we start to think that we need sex in order to feel love. Don't get me wrong though. Sex IS, within marriage, an express...