What is the main
thing that stands in the way of your being blessed? There are many
possibilities; lack of knowledge, fear, unbelief, and sin. Each one is a
roadblock to God’s blessings, but there is one more that seems to be the root
problem; PRIDE. Pride is an excessively high opinion of oneself. Pride exalts
itself above God and others. Pride thinks more of its own ways, thoughts,
abilities than it does of God’s ways, thoughts, and abilities.
Lucifer fell because of pride. Ezechiel 28:14
says, “He was the anointed cherub who covers.” It appears he led
the worship because of the instrumentation in his being. Verse 17
declares, “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty.” Pride of
appearance brought Lucifer to the point of rebellion and sin.
Isaiah 14:12-14 says,
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer… For you have said in my heart:
‘I will ascend in heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will
also sit on the mount of the congregation… I will ascend above the heights of the
clouds, I will be like the Most High.”
Pride caused Lucifer to attempt an overthrow of
God’s Kingdom. He was cast down and lost his position. Pride caused the sin
that produced a lack of knowledge that created fear. Pride is the root problem.
Pride Brings Deception
How could an angel ever think he could overthrow God’s
Kingdom and take His place? The only possible way he could have conceived such
an idea is by total deception. Obadiah 3 says “The pride of your
heart has deceived you.” Self-deception takes place when pride enters.
Pride causes a person to think he or she is smarter
than God. Pride causes people to go their own way and do their own thing rather
than to go God’s way and do His will.
Adam and Eve followed the same path as Lucifer. They
rejected God’s clear command because of choosing their own way. The reason was
pride. Pride exalts its own way above God’s way. Pride is fed and encouraged by
the lust of flesh and the lust of the eyes.
Proverbs On Pride:
Proverbs 8:13, “The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil.
Pride and arrogance and the way of evil.”
Proverbs 11:2, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace”
Proverbs13:10, “Where there is strife, there is pride.”( contention, fighting and arguing.)
Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction.”
Manifestions of Pride
· - Not seeking God in prayer and His Word.
· - Disobeying God’s Word and Spirit.
· - Refusal to worship and give.
· - No repentance when there is sin.
· - More concern with opinions of others than God’s opinion.
· - Pursuit of pleasure, comfort, and convenience in place of
commitment and surrender to God’s will.
· - Temper tantrums.
· - Rebellion-unwillingness to submit to the spiritual family, or
secular authority.
God’s Solution – Humility:
James 4:1-10, indicates that
fights and wars are the result of selfish pride. “God resist the proud, but
He gives His grace to the humble.”
Submission to God and to those He has set over you
is the beginning point. This only comes with genuine repentance. “Humble
yourself, and He will lift you up.”
1 Peter 5:5-11, says
that we must submit to spiritual elders. God resists the proud but gives grace
to the humble. Casting our cares on the Lord is an humbling act acknowledging
that our Heavenly Father is the One who will take care of our cares.
Peter reveals that Satan is looking for an open door of pride. As we are alert
to humble ourselves and resist the devil, God’s grace will strengthen , perfect
establish, and settle us.
Take time to read these passages in your own Bible.
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