Why are Christians against premarital sex? If a couple is going to get married anyway, why can't they have sex before their wedding day? Why are Christians against premarital sex? If a couple is going to get married anyway, why can't they have sex before their wedding day? This is a hard question for a lot of us today. With all the sex-based ads and sex promotions telling us that that sex is the best way to show our significant others love, we miss out on what God created sex to be: a way of bonding a husband and wife in marital love (Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7) . (Not to mention that it's also a method of procreation, awkward as that sounds.) Sex, no matter who it is with, is a special relationship between two people, making them "one body." The apostle Paul talks about how even a man who has sex with a prostitute has become "one body" (1 Corinthians 6:15-16) . There is a level of vulnerability in any sexual relationship, and you should...